


Having a forest ecosystem at home, making your work place a hotspot for biodiversity and lush greenery, or even implementing a lasting solution to re-engage citizens with nature…

Urban Forests works with individuals, businesses, collectives and public services to transform bare land into magnificent urban forests fill with life.

Walk in a Miyawaki forest

Click left or right on the picture to visit the forest


We create the forest and insure its maintenance for 3 years until it becomes completely self-sustainable. The forest will very soon boost surprising biodiversity with many birds, butterflies and mushrooms.

Forest creation starts with an analysis of the soil and a field survey. The next step is to restore the soil with optimal ecological conditions so to reach rapid growth of a healthy forest ecosystem. We use 100% organic materials that we source locally. Then comes the planting. Only native species are selected because they are very well adapted to local conditions. Planting sessions are participatory events. Trees are planted in the form of a full-fledged event with the project volunteers: family, employees, residents, associations, schools.

On request, Urban Forests can maintain the forest for the first 3 years when it is still vulnerable.

Project and phases are fully customisable. The project adapts to your preferences: shape and surface of the forest, addition of a path, fence, some fruit trees around the margin, bringing more wild flowers or making the environment even more attractive for birds.


For forest enthusiasts, Urban Forests offers personalised training in the Miyawaki method with real case forest creation. Alone or in a group, you benefit from the theoretical and practical dimensions leading to the realization of your own urban forest.

Where to create urban forests ?

These are forests to live, close to our places of life and work.

What about finances ?

Miyawaki forest projects can be self-funded by individuals or businesses, and carried out completely independently.

Projects can also be the result of collaboration between various stakeholders. Companies, associations and individuals are working together on various actions within the framework of the project. In this way partnerships are possible.

Companies often contribute thanks to the funding they provide as part of their CSR strategy, sustainable development, or through their contribution to a project of collective interest. Public services also provide support through the provision of material, resources, funds or land. Schools also lead projects that are integrated in programs on environmental awareness.